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Unwrapping His Promises: Discovering the Power and Peace of His Word

No. You could use the older callback style to communicate back the result if you really didn't want to use promises, but the caller is left with the same issue of dealing with an asynchronous result and you can't return the result directly from your API.

Things go wrong as the line where you do return newResponse. At that point, newResponse does not yet have a value. The ONLY place you know it has a value is inside the .then() handler. This is why you can't return the result directly from your API. Your API will return BEFORE the value has been retrieved. That's exactly what promises are for. You return the promise and the caller uses .then() on that returned promise to get the value.

Unwrapping His Promises

Joining in with these wonderful folks today just because I want to, not because this post necessarily has anything to do with promises or counting blessings. But then again, maybe it has everything to do with it!

The greatest gifts in life will not be found under the Christmas tree, but rather in the unfailing promises of God that bring us hope. This series will help you understand how to unwrap the promises of God and apply them to your life throughout this Christmas season.

This Advent season I choose to focus on Jesus. As we await Christmas day, I plan to unwrap Jesus in the Psalms. I want to discover more connections as I explore psalms that point to Jesus. Psalms that connect Old Testament promises to New Testament fulfillment.

Renowned scholar W. Brent Seales, University of Kentucky, was the first speaker in our 50th Anniversary Lecture Series. He explained and illustrated the promise of digitally unwrapping previously unreadable ancient scrolls in front of a packed auditorium in the California NanoSystems Institute.

There are many variations of the unwrapping process but all follow a similar sequence of steps. One approach that is both effective and efficient was shared by Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic (2012). It consists of a few simple steps.

The most effective way to become comfortable with the unwrapping process is to practice using it! Principals and teacher leaders should choose one approach (there are many available) and model the process during faculty meetings, rehearse it under the guidance of a coach, and apply it collectively as a team.

Teams should look at the unwrapping process as an opportunity to deepen their content knowledge and sharpen their pedagogy. A lot of learning happens during the unwrapping process so regardless of who (the state, district, or team) decides what is essential, teams should unwrap the standards. Invariably, teachers share that after unwrapping the standards, they feel that they know exactly what they want their students to learn, at what level of rigor, using which instructional strategy, and which assessment approach. Those insights into teaching and learning are priceless!

Remember that the exclamation mark is a warning sign in Swift. It indicates that we can access the value of the implicitly unwrapped optional without unwrapping it using optional binding or optional chaining.

You could see an implicitly unwrapped optional as an optional whose value is always accessed by forced unwrapping. This also means that a runtime error is thrown if you access an implicitly unwrapped optional that has no value.

I continue to declare outlets as implicitly unwrapped optionals, but I never use implicitly unwrapped optionals for anything else. Be careful when you make assumptions or promises you may not be able to keep. The code you write today won't look the same a year from now.

Tearing into a gift or unwrapping a new purchase is a high emotion and high stakes moment. Consumers may bring anticipation, excitement, curiosity, and surprise to the event. These feelings may be rewarded handsomely, or replaced with something closer to confusion, awkwardness, disappointment, or dread.

Unboxing offers something that focus groups or point-of-purchase studies cannot: an ultimate, in-context moment of truth when the promises of your brand must deliver. Give this lean methodology a try to see how the assumptions and expectations you and your team have for your products play out when consumers take your products home. These authentic first impressions may give you your own surprises that may lead to innovation across product, packaging, experience, and brand equity.

Next we have gold wrapping paper. This is a reminder that our Bible is very valuable. It is filled with life giving treasures and promises from God. Our Bible is both old and valuable. (Ask another child to remove the gold paper.)

This page describes parallels of using promises in other languages. Promises as a pattern are very common in other languages and knowing what they map to in other languages might help you with grasping them conceptually

A promise is similar to a Twisted Deferred object. In fact the first JavaScript implementations of promises were based on it. However, the APIs have diverged since. The mental model is still very similar.

In May this year, a lovely couple who are a part of my church spent some time with me in prayer. They spoke about the things they felt God wanted to say about and for me. They were amazing things! It felt like God knew me in a way that no one could ever know, speaking into my hopes, dreams, desires and passions, He made so many new and exciting promises to me that day, it felt incredible!

In the browser API's promises are also used, for example fetch returns a promise to return the result of a network request. When you start the request the promise is in it's pending state. When the resource has returned successfully the promise changes to the fulfilled state, When it fails, for example when the server cannot be reached, the state becomes rejected.

This will create a promise that will resolve if all the promises that are passed are resolved. You can pass promises or any other data, data not wrapped in a promise will act like an immediately resolved promise.

Normally we would like promise3 to be executed in a toplevel .then, in this case that would not be easily doable because to execute promise3, we need value1 and value2 which are both gotten from promises. The problem is that you can only return a single value in a promise, you could fix this using a Promise.all but the readability would suffer just as it does right now.

Promises can also be difficult to deal with when the flow of the promise chain you are trying to create can go a different way depending on the returned data. To create an if/else structure you will need to create nested promises, this can get out of hand rather quickly.

To resolve the previous problems a new feature was added in the spec of ES2017, async/await. This is merely syntax sugar for things we already did with promises but it can add a lot to readability and brevity. The basic concept is to make asynchronous promise code read like synchronous code. Two keywords are added to make this possible, async and await.

These promises that you are awaiting here have no reason to be waiting for each other and should run in parallel without a problem. To fix this you can wrap the promises in a Promise.all and await the result from that.

You can mix promises with async/await without a problem and this can lead to some interesting solutions. One example of this would be to make the execution function of a new Promise call async, that way you can write the code inside with awaits for readability and you can use the resolve/reject callbacks for more control.

It was the day after Christmas at a church when the pastor noticed that the baby Jesus was missing from the manger scene set up inside the church. He hurries outside and sees a little boy with a red wagon and in the wagon was the figure of the little infant Jesus. He walks up to the boy and says, "Where did you get your passenger?" The little boy replied, "I got him from the church." "And why did you take him out of the church?" The boy explains, "Well, a week before Christmas I prayed to the little Lord Jesus and I told him if he would bring me a red wagon for Christmas I would give him a ride around the block in it."Kids know the importance of keeping your promises, even if we adults sometimes forget.

When I wrote Romans the collection called the New Testament did not exist. When I refer to the scriptures, I have in mind the books that are now called the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament. The scriptures are inspired by God. I recognised even then that they could be interpreted in different ways. From my present perspective I can see the possible approaches even more clearly. However, at the time I understood them to be telling the story I have already set out. That story contained lots of divine promises and, through King Jesus and the message about him, God was making good on them.

This is a way of speaking about a person, their character and their reputation. When I say that God does something for the sake of his name, I mean something like, for the sake of his reputation. In other words, God does things to show he is true to his promises. He can be trusted.

26. God has done this now to show that he is faithful to his ancient promises; that he is true to his word. This demonstrates that he is himself vindicated, that is, in the right, and is the one who vindicates, that is, finds in favour of, those who are embraced by the faithfulness of Jesus.

18. Abraham had quite a story. God offered him these promises and, even when it looked for all the world as though they could not possibly happen, Abraham continued to live as though those promises would come true. He had been told about his descendants and he trusted it would be so.

19. Humanly speaking, there were things that made the promises hard to believe. There was his own body, for he was an old man by this time, and there was his wife Sarah, who everyone thought was unable to conceive. Yet these things did not stop him trusting.

4. After all, they are Israelites. They have all kinds of privileges. They are the sons and daughters of God. The glory of God has been in their midst. God made pacts with them. He gave them the Instruction, the worship in the tabernacle and the temple. God has made them promises. 2ff7e9595c

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