I have a folder that's automatically given daily zip files. These only contain one file within them. How do I use Applescript to unzip these, regardless of their name and how many there may be?
applescript to unzip files in a folder
The Finder open command can handle unzipping files, which is normally done by the default Archive Utility application. This method unzips the file to the same directory - not sure where your error is coming from, but unless a working directory has been set, the unzip shell utility will unzip to the base/root user directory.
Hi I want to make an Applescrit which unzip a file (which is located in the Applescript-Application).The file should be unzipped to the right side of the Application Dock (not to the folder side). ( If there's also Terminal programmation needed it should hide terminal) The name of the app is install.app and one of the zip-file is install1.zip
Secondly, where do you want to extract the file to? You cannot unzip a file to the Dock. The Dock doesn't contain files, it just contains pointers to other files on the disk. Therefore you have to unzip the file somewhere, and then tell the Dock to add a link to that file.
Change the first line, of course, to reflect where you actually unzip the file to. It's not a good idea to add files from /var/tmp to the dock since the user can't usually get to this location in the Finder
FWIW, the included unzip version 5.52 within OS X is old, and only works correctly on zip files of 2 GB or smaller. If you're dealing with larger zip archives, you'll want and need to download unzip 6.0 separately.
Thanks Viking. Yes that works. Seems that the key is specifying a different output directory than the original containing folder of the ibooks file. Wish I had more time to sleuth out why I can use terminal to unzip into the original parent folder, but not via my AppleScript's shell command (even with admin priv). Moving on ... to re-zipping! :-) Ted
What I would like to do is select multiple files in the dialog box and unzip them all to the same folder. I realise that when multiple selections are made they are added to an array. Is there an easy way to loop through each selected file in the user_Choice array and unzip them to the Terminal Charts folder?
A standard install of macOS includes the unzip command-line utility, which has a number of options not available in ditto. By way of example, ditto overwrites existing files in the destination folder, while unzip has various options in this regard.
cksha1 () /usr/bin/awk -F"=" ' print $2 '` ; if [ $filesha1 == $2 ] ; then echo "** SHA1 matches **" ; else echo " ********** ERROR: SHA1 DOES NOT MATCH **********" ; fiThis lets me copy the checksum from the web page where they list it and do the following in Terminal:$ cksha1 /Desktop/Inbox/GoogleChrome.dmg e90cc5b126544dfa9a264a105d49a1824fb8786d** SHA1 matches **You can easily do the same for the other common digest format: MD5ckmd5 ()if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; thenecho "Usage: ckmd5 filepath md5sum ..." ;echo " must specify at least one pair of file and checksum." ;echo "Exiting." ;fifilemd5=`/usr/bin/openssl md5 $1 With the same sort of results:$ ckmd5 /Desktop/Inbox/GoogleChrome.dmg 520e8730b8d1551db45eb56649473267** MD5 matches **This allows you to create other commands that might automate grabbing files and comparing the checksums. [ Reply to This # ] Applescript droplet to get the SHA1 checksum Authored by: mech14 on Jul 24, '10 06:27:37PM I didn't see this mentioned here, so I'm mentioning it.muCommander (platform independent Finder/Explorer/Nautilus alternative), which is Java based has the option to calculate many hash keys (SHA1 is only 1 of the many). You can even calculate this on multiple files in a folder.Awesome app. Also allows for viewing zip/rar files without unzipping them first. You can even delete/add files to the zip without unzip/rezip!!!Just found this awesome app a few days ago after getting tired of Finder's inadequacies.MEch
Like any operating system, macOS keeps important files hidden to prevent them from being accidentally deleted and, as a result, from system damage. However, in some cases, you may need to show hidden files on your Mac, for example, to explore the Library folder and clear old logs, caches or other junk files.
MacOS creates hidden files that are needed for the system to operate. Applications also create hidden files, such as cache files, logs, preferences, etc. Most of them are located in the Library folder, which is also hidden. These files are not visible for security reasons and to keep them separate from files created and used by the user. However, not all hidden files are necessary and many of them you can safely remove.
As soon as you click the Show Hidden Files button, the Finder window will be relaunched and you will see all the hidden files stored on your drive.Funter is a great tool for finding invisible files and folders. If you need to find a specific file on your disk, follow the steps below:
If you are looking for the easiest solution to manage your hidden files you may want to use the free Funter tool. Funter will give you access to all invisible files and folders but also will help you to search them by names. More importantly, it can make essential data invisible to prevent its accidental removal.
Moreover, you can extract files out of the same archived folder selectively and preview them with Quick Look. You can also set passwords, combine a few archives together, or split large archives into equal parts.
This action can be configured by selecting one of your current extract presets. It needs one or more archives as input and returns the extracted files and folders (only the top level items) as output.
Note the output folder inside the DropZip folder. This is where the zipped files will end up without Hazel acting on them. You could, of course, save your zipped files to any other folder outside the DropZip folder, even iCloud Drive or Dropbox. In that case you wouldn't have to exclude "output" from the name matching in Hazel's rule definition. Just use "Any file" instead of "Name is not output".
See, I exclude the output folder from the Hazel rule, so that the created zip files are not zipped again and again and again. The first action is an AppleScript and after that the original file is moved to the Trash. Click the "Edit script" button and copy/paste the script code below.
Imports projects and to-dos with due dates and notes, converts top-level folders to areas, and contexts to tags. Once downloaded, unzip the file and double-click the app to run it. Please note that only the Pro version of OmniFocus provides AppleScript support, so it will only work if you have that version installed.
Now you don't want to move those files, right? You want them to stay in /Library/Messages/Attachments so as not mess up your Messages app. So create a new folder in another Finder window, and then hold the Option key down and drag them all to the new folder. You should see a + mark under the cursor as you drag, indicating the items will be copied, not moved.
Because I am very new to both DEVONthink Pro Office and automation, I have spent the past couple of days trying to find a way to export automatically all the files in my Global Inbox to a Finder folder. So far, success has eluded me, so I was wondering whether someone could be so kind to help me figure it out.
So far, I have created an Automator Workflow that starts by launching DTPO and opens the Global Inbox, and ends by exporting records to a specified Finder folder, closes the Global Inbox and quits DTPO. The part I realize I am missing, and which I cannot figure out, is how to feed all the files in the Global Inbox to the Export Records action.
In either case, the goal is to unite the two folders so they contain all of the files found in each one. When there are two files with the same name, you want the most recent version to be used, and the older one to be replaced.
When one or more file names in the source folder match one or more file names in the destination folder, then the Finder will present four options in a dialog box for how to merge the files into the destination folder.
Keep Both: When a file name matches, both versions are kept in the destination folder, with the file that came from the source folder having a version number appended to its name. As an example, if both the source and destination folder had a file named ExampleFile, then after the move, the destination folder would contain files named ExampleFile and ExampleFile 1.
Merge: This option will combine the contents of both folders, keeping the newest version of files with matching names, and preserving all files with unique names. The end result will be a folder that contains the newest version of each file from the two folders.
Use Ditto to MergeIf you find yourself in the situation where only subfolders have changes that need to be merged, you can use the Ditto command from within Terminal. Ditto will perform a recursive merge, starting at the top level of the folder, merging all the files, and then continuing on to each subfolder it encounters. The end result is that all files and subfolders in the two Project X folders will be merged. 2ff7e9595c