The use of the upstream flashrom package is discouraged as it is missing operations like --wp-disable, --wp-status and it will not write firmware successfully to the ROM of the Chromebook unless it already been programmed externally (i.e. flashing by another device over SPI with SOIC clip), this is why it is recommended to use Chromium OS's flashrom.
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Gene Ontology (GO) semantic similarity measures are being used for biological knowledge discovery based on GO annotations by integrating biological information contained in the GO structure into data analyses. To empower users to quickly compute, manipulate and explore these measures, we introduce A-DaGO-Fun (ADaptable Gene Ontology semantic similarity-based Functional analysis). It is a portable software package integrating all known GO information content-based semantic similarity measures and relevant biological applications associated with these measures. A-DaGO-Fun has the advantage not only of handling datasets from the current high-throughput genome-wide applications, but also allowing users to choose the most relevant semantic similarity approach for their biological applications and to adapt a given module to their needs. A-DaGO-Fun is freely available to the research community at It is implemented in Linux using Python under free software (GNU General Public Licence). or Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:
The crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of a putative U32 peptidase from G. thermoleovorans is reported; it is one of the most tightly packed protein structures reported to date. While small organic molecules generally crystallize forming tightly packed lattices with little solvent content, proteins form air-sensitive high-solvent-content crystals. Here, the crystallization and full structure analysis of a novel recombinant 10 kDa protein corresponding to the C-terminal domain of a putative U32 peptidase are reported. The orthorhombic crystal contained only 24.5% solvent and is therefore among the most tightly packed protein lattices ever reported. 2ff7e9595c