Renuka Vyavahare of The Times of India gave the film a rating of 2.5 out of 5 saying that, "Barring the earnest performances of the lead actors and the supporting cast, there's absolutely nothing wild or memorable about Dil Juunglee."[5] Sweta Kausal of the Hindustan Times gave the film a rating of 2 out of 5 saying that, "Dil Juunglee is yet another repeat of the centuries-old love story with a cliched narrative. It is only Taapsee Pannu's charm and Saqib Saleem's earthiness that keep the movie from getting unbearable."[6] Saibal Chatterjee of NDTV gave the film a rating of 1.5 out of 5 saying that, " Every bit in Taapsee Pannu and Saqib Saleem's film is a bit on the wild side, completely arbitrary and illogical."[7] Shubhra Gupta of The Indian Express gave the film a rating of 1 out of 5 saying that, "The Taapsee Pannu and Saqib Saleem starrer follows the standard rom-com template, and apart from literally a few moments, the whole thing is a slog."[8]
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